项目名称 ProjectName: FuerJ生产能力提升改善方案Improvement of FuerJ Productivity
项目范围 PROJECTScope: 以配件组装线和D线为基础样板,在此基础上逐步推行到所有生产线以及其他车间.Operateson the samples basis subassembly line and assembly Line D that therelevant all production lines and workshop will gradually carried out in nextstep.
通过改善活动,标准化作业时间和平衡节拍,减少降低制造成的质量问题,满足顾客,提高企业的竞争力。Toremain competitive save cost and increase theproducttivity,standardizing the process cycle time for each station and linebalance.
不合理的工序以及节拍不平衡,物料摆放不方便取拿,缺少工装夹具等.Improperof the production flow chat and process cycle time not , inconvenient meterial place andlacks of tooling.