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[资料下载] 《Standardized Work with TWI》Eliminating Human Errors in Production and Se... [复制链接]

精益 2022-10-15 22:10:15
Standardized Work with TWI: Eliminating Human Errors in Production and Service Processes

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Standardized Work with TWI: Eliminating Human Errors in Production and Service Processes presents the Training within Industry (TWI) program and describes how it can influence and alter one’s understanding of work standardization. Work standardization is the key to eliminating human errors from manufacturing and service processes. Work standardization is not just the creation of job instructions―it is a comprehensive approach in which employees are formally trained and their skills in the area of work improvement are developed by kaizen sessions. With poor instructions, though, the effectiveness of these two key activities in the work standardization process is practically impossible to achieve.

The book introduces you to 41 rules for standard work instruction (SWI) preparation. Following these rules will ensure that the instructions in your company are ideally suited to train operators and improve work. The author developed these rules based on his professional experience and practice within the TWI program in more than 120 manufacturing and service enterprises, while creating thousands of SWIs. These rules are a clear set of signposts that will help you develop a correct SWI on the first attempt without any unnecessary correction of errors. The quality of SWIs significantly affects how on-the-job training sessions are run, as well as how work analysis with respect to improvement is conducted.

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