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[资料下载] 《Humble Leadership: The Power of Relationships, Openness, and Trust》 [复制链接]

精益 2022-2-12 13:48:08
《Humble Leadership: The Power of Relationships, Openness, and Trust》by Edgar H. Schein, Peter A. Schein Humble Leadership.jpg

Bestselling author and father of organizational behavior, Edgar Schein and Peter Schein trail-blaze with a creative perspective on leadership that encourages vulnerability and empathy as a form of strength.

The more traditional form of leadership that is based on immobile hierarchies is growing increasingly outdated and ineffective. Without the ability to actually communicate with their peers, leaders become alienated from their followers and productivity and quality are sacrificed. Authors Edgar Schein and Peter Schein recognize this reality and call for a reimagined form a leadership that coincides with emerging trends of relationship building, complex group work, and diverse workforces. Gaining a deeper understanding of the constantly evolving complexities of interpersonal, group and even intergroup relationships requires shifting our focus towards the process of group dynamics and collaboration. The humble leadership paradigm stresses the importance of studying of how things are being done through collaboration and humility. This space of collaboration is often where invention and brand-new ways of getting things done are created, rather than in the tunnel vision of new ideas of products, markets, or production methods. The future of leadership is dependent on working relationships that are trusting and open. Humble leaders don't shy away from human connection in the workplace but rather see it as an opportunity for growth and success.

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1rv7WQP7-ZBL8IxkqGMH_FQ

dw996 2022-2-12 22:09:38

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