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精益生产中 POU指什么呢? [复制链接]

yuano8o8 2019-11-1 12:47:12
精益生产中 POU指什么呢?

Point-of-Use (where/when the material need to use)

怎样做 Material 物料?

1)Are parts provided 1 kit at a time (or less than 10 min.'s worth)? (2-bin,etc.)? 所需物料有没有同时备齐?(或者定义出一定时间的用量:比如2箱)

2) Are parts provided in front of the operator? 所有的物料是否都摆放在操作员前面触手可及的地方?

3) Is the supermarket sized to hold 1 hr's worth of material? 物料超市是不是设计成存放 1 小时物料的大小?

4) Is the replenishment information being sent out? 补充物料的信息有及时送出吗?

5) Are there defects being sent from upstream processes? 不良是从上游工站流出的吗?

6) Are operators selecting between or searching for parts? 操作员在作业中,有没有选择或寻找物料等无价值的动作? Material ( continue ) 物料(续页)

7) Is banana peeling allowed? 允许在产线拆除物料包装吗?

8) Do you have vertical storage, is it human reachable height? 有没有立式的储物空间,是否在可触及的高度内?

9) Are the parts located as close as possible to POU? 物料摆放是否遵从POU原则?POU=point of use (where/when the material need to use)

10) Do you allow double and triple handling of materials? 是否允许一次双倍或三倍地抓取物料?

11) Are there any materials that not required NOW stored in the shop area? 当前不用的物料有没有存放在物料超市

12) Are the materials arranged properly based on FIFO? 物料摆放是否遵从先进先出的原则?(FIFO=first in first out) Material ( continue ) 物料(续页)

13) Are the materials required placed in ways that allow them to be removed immediately? 物料是否放置在易于快速移动的位置 ?

14) Do you have material shortage escalation path? 针对缺料,有没有逐级上报的流程?

15) Is it possible to put more (material) than necessary? 有没有存放多于所需的物料?

16) Does the water spider have shortest walking path defined? 有没有为物料员规划 最短路径?

17) Do you have one Kanban card per box? 每个盒子是否都有物了看板卡?

18) Are the parts located with single entry? (condominium concept-only one entry point per unit) 物料放置是否设计成只有一个取放口? (公寓理念 — 每个单元只有一个入口)

yangmao 2022-8-12 10:13:41

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