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[经典软文] 请教。关于金属镀层! [复制链接]

IE广州 2010-10-3 01:35:55
谢谢hua_tan (2006-4-20 15:05:34)很简单呀.用介刀将镀层切为60个左右的1mmX1mm的小方格,然后用3M胶纸812,粘看是否脱落.yykdmagnet (2006-4-21 08:23:33)楼上的划格法是一个检测方法,另外还有专用的拉拔附着力试验仪,另外跌落试验也是一个检验方式,主要看客户的要求了lwxe (2006-4-21 09:15:00)可用Bend test 或高温法测试, 具体方法如下(摘录):
The test speciments shall be bent repeatedly through an angle of 180 degree on a diameter equal to the thickness of the specimen until fracture of the basis metal occurs. Following fracture of the basis metal, it shall not be possible to detach any areas of the coatings with a sharp instrument. When the plated articles are not readily adaptable to the bend test, adhesion may be determined on the plated article by cutting the plating from the basis metal at the inte**ce in a continuous path, and examining at four diameters magnification to determine whether removal has been caused by the cutting away of an adherent plate or by the lifting of th nonadherent plate.
Alternate adhesion test.
The test specimens shall be baked at a temperature of 215+/-5 degree C for a period of 30 minutes, to determine adhesion of the plating.jackmayor (2006-4-21 09:41:29)QUOTE:
<blockquote style="border: 1px dotted #DDD; margin: 0 1em 1em; padding: 0.5em; line-height: 1.8em;">原帖由 hua_tan 于 2006-4-20 15:05 发表
很简单呀.用介刀将镀层切为60个左右的1mmX1mm的小方格,然后用3M胶纸812,粘看是否脱落. [/quote]是这样的。jshyc (2006-4-21 09:59:54)这个部件很小,而且形状比较特别,划格试验不好做。
BOBO小鬼子 2019-5-18 18:11:32

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@Xizi_NfQnprTZ 2019-6-11 10:28:45

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