Makigami is -at first- a Process Mapping technique
Makigami literally means: ‘Role of Paper’ in Japanese. But it is also the ‘Action Script’ to the Ninja (who holds this as role of paper in front of him). It contains ‘the Golden Rules’ –the basic principles– the actions that really matter…
Makigami can improve ANY process in ANY environment
Offices, hospitals, laboratories: any place where processes are not directly visible or physical.
Makigami is a Team Tool
People working in your company know what’s going on, what works and what doesn’t. No expert can ever reach this level of company specific knowledge. By structuring the companies knowledge the impossible becomes possible!
Makigami leads to Breakthrough Improvements
Makigami is not a kaizen tool. It is a kaikaku tool: It results in large breakthrough improvements. The ‘Future State’ process can be continuously improved further by kaizen activities.