第一个角色:Supervisor 主管
1)领导者的心态/态度 Leader mindset/Attitude:
- "我要为事情的结果负责
- I will responsible for the result."
- "我要有大局观念
- I have the vision of the overall situation."
- "我要做到尽量客观公正
- I will be objective and fair."
- "我需要以身作则
- I will be the role of model."
- "我需要确定事项的轻重缓急
- I will set the priority of issues."
2)领导者的行为 Leadership behavior
- "分配工作任务
- Assign tasks"
- "解释工作任务、背景、目标、时间
- Explain the task,background, ideal situation and deadline"
- "做决定,并为决定负责
- Make decision and responsible for the decision"
- "督促工作任务的进行
- Monitor the progress of task"
- "提供完成任务所需的资源
- Provide necessary resources"
3)推荐的提问方式 Proposed questioning method
- "工作任务都清楚了吗?
- Do you understand the task?"
- "需要什么支持吗?
- Do you need some support?"
- "工作的进展如何?结果是什么?
- What's the progress/result?"
- "是否有更好的办法?
- Is ther any better solution?"
- "什么时间可以完成?
- When the task could be finished?"
第二个角色:Trainer 培训师
1)领导者的心态/态度 Leader mindset/Attitude:
- "他/她是学生,方法不熟悉/不知道是正常的
- He/she is a trainee,so it is normal that they know nothing."
- "我要有耐心
- I will do the training in patience."
- "我要根据学员的水平设计合适的培训方法和进度
- I will design the suitable training method/timeline according to the level of trainee."
- "我需要把知识说的清楚明白,让学员能够听懂
- I need explain the knowledge clearly to trainee to let they understand."
- "必要时可以手把手教,确保学员听得懂,做的了
- I will train the people hand by hand if necessary to make sure that the people could understand and able to do it by himself/herself."
2)领导者的行为 Leadership behavior
- "为培训的效果负责
- Responsible for the effect of the training."
- "根据培训内容选择合适的培训方法
- Choose suitable training method according to the content."
- "准备好相应的讲义/道具/试卷等等
- Prepare related stuff such as document/property/test paper etc."
- "分享成功经验或者失败案例,帮助学员理解
- Share successful case / failure case to help people to understand the content."
- "要求学员练习,实践(课后作业),并作相应检查
- Require practice after training(homework) and check accordingly."
3)推荐的提问方式 Proposed questioning method
- "这个方法可以用到其他什么地方吗?
- Does the knowledge could be used in other area?"
- "大家对内容方法有疑问吗?
- Do you have any questions about it?"
- "我做一遍你看,然后告诉我你的疑问,好吗?
- I show one time to you and then please ask you question, ok?"
- "刚才所讲的内容,哪些地方还需要再澄清?
- Is there any issue need to be clarified again?"
- "我刚才的演示过程,你觉得有哪里是不对的吗?为什么?(错误模拟)
- Is there anything wrong in my demostration?Why?(fault simulation)"
第三个角色:Moderator 主持人
1)领导者的心态/态度 Leader mindset/Attitude:
- "我需要为会议的有效输出负责任
- I need to responsible for the efficient output of this meeting."
- "我需要秉持中立立场
- I will take neutral position in discussion."
- "我需要引导会议向着积极的方向发展,控制消极情绪
- I will guide the meeting to active direction,control the negative emotion."
- "我会关注到所有参会人
- I will pay attention on all participants of this meeting."
- "我希望参会人能够在会议上充分表达意见,然后达成共识
- I would like that the participants could express the opinion freely and get agreement finally."
2)领导者的行为 Leadership behavior
- "在会前做好充分准备(确定参会人,邀请,素材,道具等等)
- Prepare all necessary stuff before the meeting(define participants;send invitation,documents,proterty etc)"
- "在会议中明确话题,确定目标,控制进度(必要时分配发言时间)
- Clarify the topic,target,timeline of this meeting.(Allocate the speaking time if necessary)"
- "使会议处于有效可控状态(有效-讨论积极;可控-时间/话题/氛围),必要时做干预
- Let the meeting efficient and under control(efficient-active discussion;under control-time/topic/atmosphere),do the intervention if necessary"
- "会议陷入僵局时,提供有效的决策方法(投票?Go&see?搁置再议?)
- Provide the efficient decision-making solution if the meeting is going to deadlock.(vote?Go&see?lay aside?)"
- "在会议结束时做总结概括,明确会议输出
- Do the summary after meeting and clarify the efficient output."
3)推荐的提问方式 Proposed questioning method
- "(介绍完会议议程后)大家对于今天的会议议程是否有疑问?
- (After the agenda introduction)Do you have any questions about the meeting agenda?"
- "针对xxx提出的问题,是否有人可以回答?
- Is there anybody could answer this quesiton from xxx?"
- "这个事情是否有我们讨论的话语有关联?
- Is there any relationship with the topic that we are talking today?"
- "这个是我们的会议输出,大家是否同意?还有什么补充吗?
- This is the output of our meeting,do you agree?Any comments?"
- "是否还有与此话题相关的事项需要讨论?
- Is there any related topics need to be discussed?"
第四个角色:Mentor 导师
1)领导者的心态/态度 Leader mindset/Attitude:
- "我希望训练员工的技能
- I want that the skill of this person could developed."
- "我希望员工在思考中成长
- I would like that this person could be developed through self reflection."
- "我需要通过辅导,让员工有能力解决这一类问题(而不仅仅是单个的具体问题)
- I would like that this person could able to solve a kind of problems through coaching(not only single problem)"
- "我更加关注人的成长,而不仅仅是事情的解决
- In this case I pay more attention on the people development than the speed of problem solving."
- "我需要了解员工的想法背后的深层原因
- I would like to know and understand the reason which behind the thinking of people."
2)领导者的行为 Leadership behavior
- "通过提问启发员工思考
- Let people to start the self-reflection through questioning."
- "引导员工思考不同解决方案的优劣
- Guide people to compare the advantage/disadvantage of solutions and find suitable solution."
- "鼓励员工尝试创造性的解决方案
- Encourage people to find out and try the creative solution."
- "积极倾听
- Active listening"
- "选用面对面的沟通方式
- Face to face communicaiton is prefered."
3)推荐的提问方式 Proposed questioning method
- "你觉得这个事儿可以怎么做?为什么?
- What's your opinion about this case?Why?"
- "这几个方案分别有什么优势和劣势吗?
- What's the advantages/disadvantages of these solutions?"
- "哪个方案我们可以先试试看?
- Which one we could try firstly?"
- "你觉得这样做怎么样?
- What do you think if we do like this way?"
- "你觉得这样做可能产生的最严重的后果是什么?应对预案时什么?
- What's the most serious consequence?Any emergency plan?"